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The Private Equity and Secondaries Investor Summit 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017 to Friday, December 01, 2017
Category: Industry Events

Dear Members,

Our partner, Sahar Global Summits is hosting The Private Equity and Secondaries Investor Summit this November 30th and December 1st in NYC and is offering a special discount for PEWIN members. 

Sahar Global Summits is a minority owned small business that organizes and hosts invitation only summits focused on alternative investments. Ahmad Sahar, Chairman and Founder, has partnered with a number of groups including ours and was committed to having 50 percent female representation on his program - a percentage he has achieved. 

I along with many of our members will be speaking at the Summit and I hope that some of you can join us.  A note from Ahmad is listed below.  I hope to see many of you at the summit!


Kelly Williams



Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to offer members of PEWIN with a 50% discount off the cost of registration for the Private Equity and Secondaries Investor Summit I am hosting this November 30th and December 1st in NYC.  PEWIN members will be entitled to 2 passes at $1750 each – half the price of current registration of $3500. 


I have added 25 seats to the room specifically for members of PEWIN and would be honored to have you participate in what will be one of the most senior gatherings of thought leaders in private equity and institutional investing this year – with over half of the speaker faculty being female and many being PEWIN members.  Click here for the confirmed speaker faculty list. 


The summit has not been publicized or marketed in any capacity to ensure that we do not exploit the participation of our speaker faculty and keep service providers and other non- relevant groups out of the room.  The summit is also closed to the press and will be an off the record conversation amongst peers.  


I am grateful to my friend and colleague Kelly Williams for the support she has given to me throughout the entire process. I am also proud to be working in partnership with 100 Women in Finance, The Toigo Foundation and Girls Who Invest, all of whom have contributed to the program in so many ways. 


I would be honored to have you participate – if you would like to attend, please fill out the registration form and email back to me directly at [email protected] 


I look forward to welcoming each of you personally, 

Kind regards, 
Ahmad Sahar